The workshop will follow the aims and format of the ICG Montpellier Summer Schools. This year, it will take place in Berlin, jointly hosted by BAM Berlin and ICG, immediately before the ICG Congress.
The program will overview fundamentals in glass science emphasising structure-property relationships, experimental techniques, material simulations and tools that probe structure. Specific properties and applications will be included: optical behaviour; transport phenomena; nucleation & crystallisation; strength.
Recognising that it is the International Year of Glass the focus will be on glasses and environment. We will highlight how glasses are positioned within a circular economy, energy consumption in glass manufacture and environmental impact.
The lecturers will be world experts in their fields. A significant aspect of the workshop will be student-centred projects that will help participants to develop their understanding by applying what they know to specific issues.
- Registration
Normal fee: 950 €
Reduced fee: 350 € for students and academic staff.
The fee includes lunch each day, coffee breaks, a welcome reception and conference dinner.
- Lodging: 400 €
The fee includes 5 nights lodging with breakfast at the hotel ADAPT Appartment 500m from BAM.
- Textbook of the Montpellier summer school “Teaching Glass Better” (recommended): 45 € (10% discount)
A programme and more detailed instructions concerning travel and the accommodation will circulated and will be posted on the ICG web site. (
Organization: Prof. J. M. Parker, University of Sheffield, UK
Prof. R. Conradt, uniglassAC GmbH Co., Germany
Prof. B. Hehlen, University of Montpellier, France
Is this for you ? If you are a new PhD or Masters student or have recently started research in the glass industry then the answer is yes. Participants will be limited to 40 GLASS FORMATION, STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES Registration by simple email to:
Deadline for registration: 23 / 05 / 2022
11.04.2022, ICG
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