Stoelzle unveils €1 million high-speed spraying line at glass decoration site

Stoelzle Częstochowa, Poland, has started a high-speed spraying line at its decoration site.

The decoration line is the 4th spray line at the Polish Stoelzle site.

According to the company, it is state of the art in all technical aspects, such as performance, efficiency and automation, but also with regard to sustainability.

Based on its CSR strategy, Stoelzle has committed themselves to use only eco-friendly, water-based inks and to withdraw from solvent-based colours in all of its three decoration sites.

The spraying line is equipped with an automatic loading and unloading system and takes also advantage of fast curing by Infrared lamps, which further enhances the production capacity.

The high-speed line, which was set up with a €1 million investment, is planned to reach a daily output of more than 100,000 sprayed bottles.

The line is technically adapted to process containers up to a size of 200mm and will therefore focus on Perfumery & Cosmetics as well as pharmaceutical bottles.

As the demand for decorated glass containers has been constantly growing over the past few years, Stoelzle will now be able to offer enhanced capacities to a broad range of segments in the international markets.

The decoration department at the Stoelzle Częstochowa offers trendy and innovative decoration for all kinds of glass containers, ranging from large sized Spirits bottles to very small Pharma glass containers.

The investment in sustainable technology and processes is an integrated part of the Glass Group’s CSR strategy, aimed to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030, being CO2 neutral by 2050.

08.04.2022, Stoelzle

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