ENVELON is now part of the multinational Grenzebach Group
Photovoltaic building envelopes for alternative and sustainable power generation
Cutting-edge technology “Made in Germany”
Aesthetics as a focus in solar power generation
The multinational Grenzebach Group, headquartered in Hamlar, Germany, invested heavily in sustainable products and technologies in 2021. For example, with its founding of Grenzebach Envelon GmbH, the group entered a new business segment: photovoltaic building envelopes.
Grenzebach Envelon GmbH, founded in October 2021, is a system supplier for photovoltaic facades and building envelopes. As part of the Grenzebach Group, the ENVELON brand marries years of solar and facade experience with Grenzebach’s engineering skills and expertise in the glass industry. The automation specialist has been a global market leader in the solar and glass market for decades with its engineering expertise and know-how in industrial automation. Now, through ENVELON, the group is expanding its portfolio in the field of sustainable next-generation technologies.
“Here at Grenzebach, we’ve been working on sustainable solutions and cutting-edge technologies for years. We view this and our collaboration with ENVELON as a major step towards greater sustainability, which will be important not only for people today, but also for future generations,” said Dr. Steven Althaus, CEO of the Grenzebach Group.
Current trends are also moving in favor of the new line of business, as demand for sustainable power generation and carbon neutrality is on the rise and a major concern for many companies. In addition, in many European countries the amount of facade and building surfaces that can be used for photovoltaic systems is twice as large as the amount of roof space available.
ARE YOU ON? – answering this key question with solutions for the energy revolution and for future generations
As a system supplier for photovoltaic facades and building envelopes, ENVELON is helping create a sustainable, climate-friendly, but also aesthetically pleasing source of power for commercial and residential properties as well as public buildings. The ENVELON system offers the ability to efficiently generate distributed electricity directly on site. The linchpin of the company’s activities is a flexible 360-degree approach that includes not only manufacturing in Germany but also customized planning for the respective location and turnkey installation.
ENVELON solutions support different paths to carbon neutrality and the search for alternative renewable energy sources.
Cutting-edge technology from Germany for the world
Germany and Europe have been suffering from an exodus of cutting-edge technologies and high-tech exports for years. ENVELON is doing its part to counter this trend, with one of Grenzebach Envelon GmbH’s focal points and priorities being the production and customized planning of cutting-edge photovoltaic technology “Made in Germany.” For this reason, the company is expanding its manufacturing operations in Germany and supporting local innovation and development projects. As a result of producing locally, the company is not only fueling the solar high-tech industry, but also a global solar power revolution.
High-end aesthetics paired with sustainable efficiency
In contrast to conventional solar panels on the roof, the company is focusing on architectural solutions on the facade, combining the highest aesthetic standards with maximum efficiency. In order to meet customers’ high demands, ENVELON modular facades consist of frameless, high-quality glass elements that are available in a variety of colors. This makes it possible to give buildings an aesthetically pleasing exterior – and help combat climate change in the process. The company’s approach is to supply custom-designed facade kits or turnkey solutions together with high-quality and reliable installation from a single source.
07.04.2022, Grenzebach
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