Following the SORG Group's successful first furnace build at the newly established Nigel plant near Johannesburg, South Africa in 2011, Consol Glass (PTY.) LTD has chosen EME to deliver a new batch and cullet transport system.
The furnace will be a gas-heated, highly boosted, 150m² regenerative endport furnace. Used mainly for flint soda lime glass, it will have a SORG® STW working end and four SORG® 340S+® forehearths. Nikolaus SORG will deliver the engineering, equipment and commissioning of the furnace build. EME will extend the batch and cullet transport from the existing EME batch house to the new furnace. The new furnace will operate with a closed-loop cullet return system and the SCADA and software will be migrated to the latest versions. SKS will execute the steel and refractory installation.
08.03.2022, EME
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