The quality of glass collection depends very much on glass bottles being properly disposed of at source. The cleaner the collection step, the better for the rest of the chain. However, if the consumer does not dispose of his bottle or food jar or flacon, that bottle will go to waste and it will be very difficult for it to come back into the loop.
The consumer plays therefore a critical role at the very start of the closed loop. In some geographies, there is a long tradition and history of separate collection, with a very high level of popular engagement with the principles of the circular economy. In other geographies, collection rates still remain relatively low. But even in those areas where there is a high performance, there is still room for improvement.
So what are the underlying drivers behind the “prosocial consumer” sorting his glass bottles and jars to allow for the most optimal route to close the glass loop?
In this episode of 90 Minutes to Close the Loop we will also travel to Portugal to discover the initiative Vidrio +, led by Smart Waste Portugal. Vidro+ is a multi-stakeholder partnership being set up in Portugal to work on ambitious objectives for glass collection & recycling.
31 MARCH 2022 - ONLINE - 2PM - 3:30PM (CET)
14:00 - 14:05
Welcome by the moderator, Jean-Paul Judson
14:05 - 15:10
Main topic: Communicating about recycling: How to get consumers into the loop?
Keynote Speech
Michelle Gibbons, Director General, AIM - European Brands Association
Panel Debate
Mariona Cruz Juli, Marketing Coordinator, EcoVidrio, Spain
Monika Piber, Public Relations Manager, Austria Glass Recycling, Austria
Speaker to be announced
15:10 - 15:25
Best Practice Presentation - Vidro +
Luisa Magalhães, Executive Director, Smart Waste Portugal
15:25 - 15:30
Conclusions by the moderator, Jean-Paul Judson
03.03.2022, Feve
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