The production infrastructure, considered to be the most state-of-the-art in Europe, is undergoing testing at the moment. Specialised machinery, equipment and tools for the new plant were supplied by leading manufacturers such as FOREL, Mappi, Bottero and MC DIAM, with the ERP software system provided by FeneTech. The general contractor, CFE Polska, efficiently carried out the construction project following the design-build method.
Along with the combined 15,000 m2 production floor and warehouse , the office area (630 m2) was also opened for use. Outdoor space totalling over 8,000 m2, including access roads, car parks and truck loading areas, has been completed.
The new factory will begin full operational status within the next few weeks. Thanks to the new investment, the production capacity for POLFLAM’s fire-resistant glass will nearly triple.
15.02.2022, Polflam
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