SORG Group recently carried out a greenfield project in Mexico on behalf of Vidrio Formas, a family-owned manufacturer of glass containers for the domestic and international liquor, food, industrial, paint, cosmetic and pharmaceutical markets.
Working within strict travelling restrictions, we engineered and delivered the complete hot end for the glass plant, which is situated in Toluca, close to Mexico City. Nikolaus SORG built a new 117m² regenerative End-Fired furnace with a capacity of 320 t/d to produce container glass (soda lime) in a variety of colours including amber, flint and green.
Partnering with EME, a batch plant was constructed with the capacity to support the later installation of a second furnace. This included raw material charging, storage, dosing, weighing, mixing, a batch transport system and batch charger. A cullet return system was also built, featuring a scraper, crusher and belt scale.
With market-leading melting and conditioning technologies, SORG Group's three specialist companies combine to offer a unique, all-in-one solution for glass manufacturers just like Vidrio Formas, right across the world.
16.12.2021, EME
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