With 12,000 solar panels and an annual output of nearly 6,000 MWh, the Pierres Blanches park will produce the equivalent energy consumed by 1,300 households, heating included. Developed, built and commissioned by BayWa r.e., a Saint-Gobain partner and specialist in renewable energy, this installation of ground-mounted photovoltaic panels is a first in France for Placo® and Saint-Gobain.
The land on which the solar park is built belongs to the neighboring gypsum quarry but has never been used. As the poor soil is not of any great ecological interest, Placo® wanted to find a way to use it in a different way, through a project that would benefit the community. By making its land available, Placo® is contributing to the decarbonization of the French energy mix, making it possible to supply the network with energy from a renewable source.
This project is part of Placo®'s environmental transformation process, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
07.02.2022, Saint Gobain
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