As India is facing an unprecedented time again by a third wave of the coronavirus, Messe Düsseldorf India along with our partners reassessed the situation for organizing combined events of glasspex India, glasspro India and fenestrationpro India in March 2022. Keeping in view the current situation and the health and safety of our patrons, we decided to move the event scheduled for 03-05 March 2022 at Bombay Exhibition Centre to 14-16 September 2023 at the same venue.
We remain optimistic that this reconfiguration of the forthcoming edition of glasspex India, glasspro India and fenestrationpro India will ensure all stakeholders plan their participation carefully and efficiently.
We, at Messe Düsseldorf India, along with our esteemed advisory board members and partners, hope to rise above the situation and look forward to a successful Glass events India in Mumbai.
We are very grateful for your continued support in these challenging times.
The glasspex India, glasspro India and fenestrationpro India team will reach out to all industry partners, confirmed exhibitors and participants and extend full support with event logistics and planning.
Until then, stay safe and healthy!
01.02.2022, glasspex
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