Glasstech Asia x PERAFI will be starting the year with a webinar on Facade beyond Glass and Metal. The webinar will take place on 20th Jan 2022 at 2.30pm-4.30pm JKT (GMT+7) | 3.30pm-5.30pm SGT (GMT+8) | 9.30am-11.30am CET.
Glass and metal are common features of a building façade. Beyond looking at other materials as an addition to facades, the webinar anticipates the trajectory of future advancements in glass technology, assemblies, or even digital displays on building exteriors.
Hosted by Sara Ang, Director, Synergraphic Design, look forward to presentations from the following speakers:
Azanie Azmi, Technical Specialist, ROCKWOOL Asia
Jay Fung, Managing Director, LWC Alliance Pte Ltd
Rafael Pasaribu, Owner, Aboday Design
Sandrine Guibert, Head of Glass Market, Novacel
22.12.2021, CEMS
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