On February 15-18, 2022, the first ever winter edition of the Glass Performance Days conference will be held in Tampere, Finland. This time the conference is organized as a hybrid event combining the best of both physical and virtual events. The registration for the conference is now open.
In February 2022, Glass Performance Days (GPD) will celebrate its 30th year of serving the glass industry. Given the new normal we live in today, the upcoming conference is set to address the new challenges shaping our lives and businesses as we move forward. Even more importantly, this year’s rescheduled GPD 2021 event opens up opportunities for us to become key resources providing the right solutions.
Program highlights
Over 70 face-to-face and online presentations
Opening ceremony with distinguished professionals
Step Change event discussing disruptive technologies
In-depth workshops to review industry-specific topics
Networking activities for effective learning, information sharing and building business partnerships
More information about the speakers and the program is available at www.gpd.fi.
The first ever winter edition of the conference is organized in hybrid format meaning that participants can join either in person or online. Either way the participants choose to join, the modular program will combine the best of both physical and virtual events to give the participants the greatest advantages.
Registration now open
At the onsite event, between 350–400 participants are expected to attend. Participant registrations will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. The virtual part of the event is a great option for those not able to attend in person. All sessions will be broadcast live February 17–18 via the virtual conference platform. As a virtual guest, there is a possibility to register for just one day or both.
The registration to the conference is now open at GPD 2021 Edition Registration
The deadline for registering to the onsite event is February 8, 2022 and for the online event February 12, 2022. The deadline for registering for workshops is January 31, 2022.
We look forward to receiving your registrations and hosting you in 2022.
26.11.2021, GPD
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