60g of pure sauce enjoyment – we at Stoelzle supply furore, an Austrian gourmet manufactory, with our 50 ml mini jar.
furore GmbH is a gourmet manufactory based in Austria and specialized in the production of gourmet and fruit mustard sauces. Since 1999 the company stands for quality, originality and regionality. Raw materials as well as their packaging are carefully selected according to these criteria. In Stoelzle, the company has found a partner who shares these values.
Quality – a basic requirement
The satisfaction of our customers is a priority for us, which is why we attach great importance to product safety and quality. All our bottles and jars are subjected to comprehensive quality controls. In addition to the quality of the products, it is also important to us to pack them safely and carefully for transport – this overall package together with our flexibility is also appreciated by furore in our close cooperation.
Regional & Sustainable
furore and Stoelzle are also united by the issue of regionality, as both companies have their headquarters in Austria. The production of the mini jars, which are used for the sauces, takes place directly at our headquarters in Köflach/Austria. This enables us to create short transport routes and to respond even more flexibly to the needs of the customer.
We are always happy to convince local companies of our jars and thus together make a contribution to regionality and sustainability.
23.11.2021, Stoelzle
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