Choosing the right glassware plays a vital role in this. As well as financial factors such as long service life, good resistance to breakage and being dishwasher-safe, sparkling crystal glassware from our Zwiesel Glas and Schott Zwiesel brands turn every table setting into a special occasion. Through exceptional design, aesthetic form and great performance suitable for all types of use, our glassware makes for a unique experience of touch, sight and sound. One where guests will not soon forget their visit to the restaurant or bar.
Zwiesel glassware has been lending a very special touch to the tables of this world since 1872. The sound which rings out when making a toast represents not just passion, quality and history, but also celebrates the special nature of the occasion and the sheer mutual pleasure from getting together to dine. Which is why we have always seen ourselves, through our Zwiesel Glas and Schott Zwiesel brands, as the number one leading partner for high-end hotels and restaurants. We are proud to have been the global market leader in this sector for several years now.
As global market leader, we work tirelessly to bring the "Sound of Zwiesel" to the tables of the world's top bars, restaurants and hotels through our exceptional crystal glassware, and to support our partners and hosts in creating perfect occasions for their guests.
16.11.2021, Zwiesel Glas
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