Systems integrator Nir-Or — one of the Israeli companies exhibiting at the Dubai Airshow for the first time on 14-20 November — is showcasing its latest glass cockpit display for military users.
The Large Area Display (LAD) is a main flight display with full dual-redundant screens ‘showing both the avionics panel and other flight or mission-specific operational features’, Nir-Or stated in a press release.
Designed specifically for airborne applications, the 50.8cm x 20.3cm screen provides a dynamic viewing range from full sunlight reading to night operation with NVG compatibility.
Features include an illuminated bezel keyboard with optical multi-touchscreen functionality, showing graphic symbology and other flight-specific operational features.
Nir-Or also claimed that LAD ‘supports multiple video inputs to meet mission needs’.
At the Dubai Airshow, the company is also exhibiting a LAD demonstrator for the UH-60 Black Hawk and an AH-64D Apache Longbow gunner display that was upgraded specially for the Israeli Air Force.
15.11.2021, Shepard
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