Explosion in a glass factory leaves three people injured in São Paulo
Noticias7 of Brazil reports further that one of the victims suffered widespread burns and was rescued. Case occurred in Ermelino Matarazzo, in the east side
An environmental explosion inside a company in Ermelino Matarazzo, in the east side of São Paulo, this Wednesday morning (10.November ), left three people injured. The accident happened at 11 am on Avenida Olavo Egídio de Souza Aranha. The site is the headquarters of the Cisper Company glass factory.
According to an investigation, a woman had generalized burns and was rescued by firefighters at the Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro. The two other wounded were treated by company doctors. Four Fire Department vehicles were moved to the address, and the fire was extinguished.
*Under supervision of Mariana Rosetti, from the Record Agency
We will continue with updates shortly.
11.11.2021, glassglobal
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