The global glass industry is also faced with the task of developing alternative solutions to contribute to carbon-neutral production. With the new conference format "glasstec UPDATE", glasstec offers a new platform to discuss creative approaches and innovative technologies in this topic area.
Under the conference title "Carbon neutrality with glass", experts from industry and science will provide valuable insights into the transformation process in the glass industry. It is clear to everyone: Something has to change. Be part of it - either on site or digitally in our web session.
About the conference glasstec UPDATE
The new conference format glasstec UPDATE focuses on the two megatrends climate neutrality and decarbonization. For industry and society, these two topics represent an enormous challenge, but they also result in opportunities for structural change and new ways of thinking. The glasstec UPDATE conference brings together experts from industry and science to discuss answers to these questions.
On two consecutive days, the glasstec UPDATE conference will be dedicated to the transformation process in the glass industry in order to develop and shape the necessary visions. The conference is being held in cooperation with the Bundesinnungsverband des Glaserhandwerks. The content of the program is supported by glasstec's long-standing partners, the Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V., the Bundesverband Flachglas e.V. and outstanding industry representatives.
Tickets for the glasstec UPDATE Conference / Ticket purchase only possible online!
Register as a trade visitor and purchase your ticket.
Please note:
02.11.2021, glasstec
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