“We are bitterly disappointed at the lack of action from both the Secretary of State and wider government to contain the escalating energy costs that are deeply affecting glass manufacturers across the UK.
“It has been three weeks since we set out proposals, alongside the Energy Intensive User Group (EUIG), that would help lessen the burden that is currently being placed on glass manufacturers, but we are yet to see any solutions or even propositions from government, while manufacturers that are vital to the UK economy continue to suffer extortionate costs that put their future at risk.
“Further inaction and a lack of support from government to address the energy crisis only deepens the impact on businesses.
“We need to ensure that manufacturers do not have to cease production and guarantee that the growing disparity between UK industry and international competitors does not widen even further, but we cannot do this without some form of plan from government, which currently does not exist.”
29.10.2021, British Glass
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