Congo New Float Glass Production Line of HONG XING GLASS Launched

At 10:18 a.m. local time on October 1, a launching ceremony was held in the Republic of Congo in celebration the initial operation of HONG XING GLASS’s Glaverbel glass production facility which consists of 1 glass melting furnace and 2 production lines. A total of more than 100 people including Mr. Shi Jianwu, General Manager of HONG XING GLASS Congo SARL., Mr. Liu Huan, Project Manager, Xing Tianpeng, Project Manager of the General Contractor, China New Building Materials Institute, heads of the company, employee representatives and representatives from various engineering entities attended the ceremony.

The successful ignition of this 140 t/d production line represents a new stage of the West Holding Group’s strategic development in Africa and is a major strategic layout for the Group’s industrial chain expansion. The production line is not only a new impetus for the profit growth and corporate development of the West Holding Group, it is also of historical significance by putting an end to the situation that there is no domestic glass manufacturer in the Republic of Congo or rather the 6 countries in Central Africa region.

With its operation, the very first glass production line of West Holding Group will further enhance competitive advantages of the Group and impose positive impacts on the Group’s future business performance. The West Holding Group will thence bring forth a new integrated industrial system covering research and development, production and sale of glass products for stronger support to propel itself towards a leading innovative enterprise in building materials sector and an integrator of industry and finance.

27.10.2021, HONG XING GLASS Congo SARL.

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