The Grüner Veltliner grape variety is the pride of Austria’s wine country, predominantly sold and enjoyed in German-speaking regions. Lenz Moser and Markus Huber, two Veltliner specialists of the Austrian wine industry, believe that this hidden gem of a grape is ready to earn a broad international fanbase and achieve global cult status. Under the brand Lenzmark – New Chapter, the two winemakers have combined their wealth of experience with the aim of reinterpreting the taste of Grüner Veltliner and developing a modern style – Veltliner 2.0, so to speak – targeted at both experienced connoisseurs and young, demanding target groups.
It was therefore vital for the product to feature an unusual bottle design. The intricate look of the conical 0.75-litre cuvée coloured wine bottle gives the team everything they wanted. A complex glass relief at the shoulder, the Lenzmark brand name engraved at the base, and a three-part paper label on the front embody the new style of this very special wine.
15.10.2021, Vetropack
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