"Rejuvenation of packaging and decoration", "Inkjet 3D printing", "Transition from prototyping to production", "Carbon footprint of inkjet", "Functional hardcoats using nanotechnology", "Additive processes in electronics production", "Inkjet integration in smart factory", "Influence of screen mesh in industrial applications" are among the first submitted conference papers. They represent screen, inkjet as well as other industrial print processes and offer answers to today's market's burning questions about technology, sustainability and new business models. Altogether 40 presentations will be held during the 2-day 2-track inaugural IPI event, with an additional session dedicated to the PAPERONICS project.
When / Where?
About the conference
For decades, specialist printing has been the source of industrial application solutions: Healthcare and pharmaceuticals, automotive, printed electronics, Internet of Things but also the growing success of additive techniques have established print as a manufacturing solution. The goal of Industrial Print Integration is to introduce industry partners to a world of sustainable, efficient and versatile technologies. We will show the adaptability of print processes from large to small, from ultra-precision to high speed, from volume production to customisation and mass customisation. ESMA members and partners – manufacturers, suppliers, providers and consultants, all of them leading technology experts – are best placed to showcase and explain the disrupting power of print.
05.10.2021, ESMA - Driving Print Excellence
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