After carefully considering available options, we have now decided on the new dates for the hybrid GPD 2021 event.
The dates are February 16-18, 2022. Workshops will be on the 15th and 16th of February, followed by the conference sessions and networking activities on the 17th and 18th of February.
The dates being in the first quarter of the year means that it is winter time in Finland! It is known that GPD Finland conferences are summer events where the popular evening networking activities are held outdoors. This allows attendees to enjoy the Finnish nature as well as the light summer nights. What does the ‘Finnish nature and sky’ have to offer in winter time? Instead of you trying to imagine it, we urge you to consider attending the event in person for firsthand experience!
We are still putting together the event details, which we will share with you soon. For now, we will appreciate if you could mark the new dates in your calendar.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing and hosting you in person or virtually in ‘this unique’ GPD winter edition!
20.09.2021, Glass Performance Days
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