Static solar protection solutions like awnings, canopies, and brise-soleils have traditionally been used to help mitigate overheating in buildings, especially because they use passive design and are typically affordable.
One major drawback is that these elements are fixed in place, and aren’t able to manage direct glare from the sun.
The intensity of sunlight changes depending on the time of day, the season, and the current weather conditions. Dynamic building shells optimize energy efficiency while managing light and heat influx, and provide an environment that offers thermal and visual comfort for its occupants.
Aware of the appeal of dynamic, automated sunlight management, many designers are incorporating mechanical dynamic solar protection systems into new buildings.
Adjustable interior blinds that can be controlled by occupants are often used to control glare. But their effect is limited when it comes to dealing with overheating.2,3 Once lowered, the blinds also usually stay down, blocking natural light and outdoor views, which can have a negative impact on occupants’ well-being.
09.09.2021, SageGlass
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