Tvitec architectural glass strikes the ideal combination for a wide range of high-performance materials that perfectly form the most iconic and sustainable façades across globally positioned projects, like the ones we are going tell you more about below.
Discover more about how Tvitec’s glass solutions fit magnificently with other materials and claddings for projects headed by renowned international architects, such as One Vanderbilt, Castellana 77, Lyon Part Dieu or La Seine Musicale, to name just a few.
Castellana 77. Glass & Efte slats and LED for Luis Vidal + Arquitectos
Tvitec's insulating and sustainable glass plays an essential role in the combination façade designed by Luis Vidal Arquitectos to bring Castellana 77 back to its iconic role in the landscape of Madrid’s AZCA neighbourhood. The restoration of the building, promoted by GMP, is a perfect example of commitment to sustainable architecture in modern office buildings. Tvitec produced double glazing solutions for some façade units, installed by the Ferga façade company, as part of which some unique Efte slats take centre stage, running through the design in the form of a wave effect, complete with an incredible LED lighting system. Tvitec's eco-efficient glass not only contributes to the exceptional aesthetics of this tower, but also to improve the comfort and wellbeing of the people who use it. The interior takes full advantage of natural light, which results in significant enhancement of wellbeing for users of the space.
07.09.2021, Tvitec architectural glass
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