HFT is pleased to announce exciting changes to its Sales Department effective immediately.
Sam Leaper has been promoted to Director of Glass Business Development. Sam has been with HFT for 4.5 years and has contributed to the continued success and growth of the business.
Sam will be leading HFT’s Sales and Marketing Department as it continues to grow and offer global glass makers with turnkey project support and EPC solutions from initial conception, through development, design and execution.
Matt Rodgers joins HFT as Glass Business Development Manager. Matt has over 20 years’ experience in Power, Metals and Air Pollution Control. From project feasibility to budgeting to proposal and start-up, Matt has held positions that handle and support these functions. With a Bachelor of Science in Labor Industrial Relations and holding an MBA, his background offers solid, knowledge-based support to help navigate projects from conception to conclusion.
As leading specialty engineers and contractors, HFT provides engineering, procurement and construction services to support all the project needs of global glass manufacturers, including full turnkey solutions. HFT is the ONE source partner glass makers have come to rely on to safely and efficiently execute major projects such as greenfield factories, expansions, reconfigurations, and cold repairs.
23.08.2021, HFT
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