Canadian Premium Sand Inc. appoints Chief Financial Officer and adds Glass Expertise

Canadian Premium Sand Inc. (“CPS” or the “Company”) (TSXV: CPS) is pleased to announce that it has appointed Cameron Deller as the Company’s Chief Financial Officer and engaged Patrick Kenny as an advisor to the Company.

Cameron Deller is joining the Company as Chief Financial Officer effective September 07, 2021. Mr. Deller brings over 20 years of financial leadership, investment management and capital markets experience gained across a wide variety of industries in both public and private sectors. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Calgary and is a CFA charter holder. With a proven track record of managing complex financial structures, he has deep proficiencies in corporate strategy, financial planning and analysis and capital raising initiatives. Most recently, Mr. Deller served as Vice President, Corporate Development for Mosaic Capital Corporation, a publicly traded investment holding company with diversified operations across Canada. As a component of his total compensation package, Mr. Deller has been awarded 125,000 options to acquire common shares of CPS at an exercise price of $0.47 per share.

The Company has contracted Patrick Kenny through his wholly owned company, Value INgineering Consulting LLC, to provide independent advice and expertise to Company’s management and Board of Directors. Mr. Kenny is a well-respected 35-year veteran of the flat glass industry. His long career with major North American glass producers PPG Industries, Inc. and Vitro Architectural Glass, Inc, the past 21 years in executive roles, equips Mr. Kenny with deep knowledge in strategic planning, marketing, business development and business start-up of flat glass operations, specifically in new markets. As an independent consultant, Mr. Kenny will work closely with the Company’s management team and Board of Directors to ensure the Company’s strategic planning and project execution aligns with the elements needed for success in the North American flat glass industry.

“Cameron’s experience in capital markets, corporate strategy and investor relations adds significant strength to our management team as CPS pursues its goal of manufacturing high specification flat glass.” states Glenn Leroux, President & CEO. “Patrick’s depth of knowledge in the flat glass industry is at a level that allows him to quickly see both opportunities and risks. Cameron and Patrick’s contribution to the development of a sound business, operations and capital deployment plan that moves CPS from an early design phase through to glass production and sales cannot be overstated.”

18.08.2021, Canadian Premium Sand Inc.

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