Glass is 100 % recyclable - and as often as you like. Wiegand-Glas installed its first in-house waste glass processing plant 50 years ago.
We have early recognised that waste glass is an indispensable raw material for the production of new glass bottles and glass containers. Recycling of waste glass has therefore been a top priority at Wiegand-Glas for half a century, because this is how we manage to reduce the use of primary raw materials, waste and CO2 emissions.
Proper recycling is very important
Recycling glass is an extensive process. The Hessischer Rundfunk (Hessian broadcasting) wanted to know how it works and, above all, how proper recycling works. A film team visited us in our waste glass processing plant and found out itself what to throw into the waste glass container or not and how new bottles are made out of waste glass. If you missed the informative report you can still watch it on the Hessischer Rundfunk website.
Otherwise, each and every one of us should always bring the used glass to the container, separated by colour and without foreign materials. This is how climate protection works!
18.08.2021, Wiegand Glas
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