HFT is proud to announce the hire of Walter Gray as Director of Power Solutions.
Walter’s extensive resume brings over 20 years of power industry experience to the HFT team, having worked for E.ON, EcoSecurities, and Centrica. His knowledge has driven successful energy projects across the globe, including projects in the United States, Latin America and Southeast Asia. He has developed both onsite energy solutions and utility scale renewable projects.
Walter’s expertise expands HFT’s presence in CHP, waste heat recovery, resiliency, and hybrid microgrids. In partnership with HFT’s glass experts, Walter will support decarbonization efforts including green hydrogen and electrification in the glass industry. Technology advances in the glass industry and power sector are creating new opportunities to reduce costs while driving energy efficiency.
Walter is currently working with customers in higher power cost regions to deliver cost effective onsite generation from sources including solar, natural gas CHP, and waste heat to power, delivering both economic performance and resilience. HFT is ramping up efforts to improve energy efficiency with waste heat recovery including waste heat power projects which now receives significant investment tax credits. Moving forward HFT will explore more ways to utilize energy storage technologies to support decarbonization by utilizing more renewable energy including wind and solar.
16.08.2021, HFT
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