VisiQuick™a totally flexible machine, suitable for accurate dimensional and geometric inspection, on sample basis, of a large variety of glass containers having different size, shape and colour.
It can be installed in the laboratory or close to the manufacturing line, at the cold end.
VisiQuick™ machine includes one or more measuring stations:
External dimensions measuring station
including one or two high resolution cameras, with telecentric lens and collimated illuminator, to measure the external characteristics of the container, such as:
Inside diameter and profile measuring station
including a rotating/translating bore gauge to dynamically measure the mouth inside diameter and profile
Weight and push-up measuring station
including an industrial scale and an ultrasonic sensor integrated in the same station
Wall thickness measuring station
based on chromatic confocal technology
Labelling area profile measuring station (patent application filed)
based on optical technology, it allows to detect and measure sinks and bulges in the container’s labelling area.
Labelling area profile measuring station
based on optical technology, it allows to detect and measure sinks and bulges in the container’s labelling area.
To know more read the article about VisiQuick™
10.08.2021, MARPOSS
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