“We are very proud of our collaboration with Air Products, and that our SynCOR™ technology plays a central part in their landmark net-zero hydrogen project. This is not only proof of our ability to deliver efficient hydrogen solutions, it also bears testament to our ability to achieve our vision of being recognized as the world leader in carbon emission reduction technologies by 2024. Our work and this project is a strong contribution to the decarbonization of fuels and chemicals in Alberta and across the world,” says Amy Hebert, CCO at Topsoe.
Topsoe offers a complete range of market-leading hydrogen production technologies, including cutting-edge electrolysis technology to produce green hydrogen.
This new facility will, based on Topsoe’s SynCOR™ autothermal reforming technology, capture over 95 percent of the produced CO2, which will then be stored safely underground. Hydrogen-fueled electricity will power the plant and offset the remaining five percent of emissions at the site. The clean energy complex will help refining and petrochemical customers served by the Air Products Heartland Hydrogen Pipeline to reduce their carbon intensity. The complex will also produce liquid hydrogen for merchant sales and as a clean fuel in the transportation sector.
“Sustainability is our pathway to growth and central to Air Products’ business every day around the world. By being a first mover and investing in this innovative landmark project, we are paving the way for hydrogen from Edmonton to meet industrial and transportation needs throughout western Canada. Our highly integrated project will be a model for net-zero atmospheric gas, hydrogen and power production consistent with our announced growth platforms,” says Robert Tikovsky, vice president, Process Gases Product Line at Air Products.
The hydrogen complex is part of Air Products’ ambition to reach over 1,500 tons of hydrogen production per day and achieve more than three million tons per year of CO2 capture in Alberta alone
23.07.2021, Haldor Topsoe
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