Wheaton launches sustainable glass line: Ecoglass

It is possible to say that glass is the most human-friendly packaging material. If the entire population became aware of the benefits of recycling glass, it would be possible to fully reuse packaging with enormous ecological, economic and social benefits.

Glass containers can be totally reused in the recycling production cycle, without any loss of material. By adding shards to the production of glass, we reduced the withdrawal of raw materials from nature. In addition, the reuse of glass for the production of new packaging consumes less energy and emits less particulate CO2 residues, contributing to the preservation of the environment.

Wheaton is proud to have sustainable ideals as principles in the industrial process that make a difference for the planet. Thinking about producing solutions that contribute to the preservation of the environment, we developed a sustainable line of glass packaging that was named Ecoglass.

Meet the line
Ecoglass, a sustainable packaging line, was developed to promote the circular economy and, mainly, to reduce the consumption of raw materials taken from nature.

There are four different models of glass bottles, all developed to protect the environment.

The first of them, the MB-1501-N1 has a modern and elegant design. The standard model features a large panel for decoration and marked edges that play with the refraction of the glass

Conceived under the concepts of sustainability, the lightweight flask received less glassy mass than a traditional flask. This eco-friendly project involves a reduction in water and energy consumption, in addition to a reduction of more than 30% in CO2 emissions.

09.07.2021, Wheaton

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