FeneTech Inc. will hold an in-person user conference in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, June 13-15, 2022. The conference will be held at the Hilton Cleveland Hotel.
For the past two years, FeneTech has offered its conference to its users worldwide—free of charge—in a virtual setting. Historically, the conference has evolved from a small gathering of a dozen attendees in 2002 to more than 200 FeneVision users participating in virtual sessions in 2020 and 2021.
Not only will this be FeneTech's first in-person conference in two years, but the 2022 gathering of customers also marks FeneTech 20th annual user conference.
FeneTech's Manager of Administrative Services Samantha Hudeck is excited about next year's conference. "To say that we are looking forward to seeing our customers would be an understatement. The planning has already begun, and I am counting down the days until we can all come together. Our team provided the best virtual conferences possible these past two years, but there is nothing that can replace face-to-face interaction."
FeneTech users are urged to visit the company's website at https://fenetech.com for updated information. Registration for the 2022 conference is slated to begin on January 3, 2022.
FeneTech continues to remain true to its mission "… to provide the best products, service and support to each and every customer—every single day."
Since 1996, FeneTech, Inc has been the world's preeminent software provider for the glass fabrication and window & door manufacturing industries. Learn more at https://fenetech.com.
30.06.2021, FeneTech Inc.
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