The Furnace for the Future was selected in March 2021 as one of the top 70 projects from 311 applications submitted for the EU Innovation Fund, one of the world’s largest funding programs for the demonstration of innovative, low-carbon technologies. As part of the process, the industry has now submitted a more detailed second-stage application.
“As we enter the second phase of the Innovation Fund application, we remain convinced that this project will greatly contribute to further expanding the leading role of sustainable glass packaging. The support from public institutions and from our value chain partners has been much appreciated in this process”, comments Vitaliano Torno, FEVE President.
“Excellent collaboration across the industry and a broad level of expertise from all partner companies have further advanced the project. Glass is endlessly recyclable and ensures quality no matter how many times it is recycled. It preserves the taste and safety of the foods and beverages it protects.”, adds the FEVE President.
The Furnace for the Future project is a breakthrough technology, which will enable the industry to switch to renewable electricity and cut CO2 emissions by up to 60% in the furnace (50% across the whole factory). More details on the Furnace for the Future project are available on the FEVE website.
02.07.2021, FEVE
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