German container glass manufacturer Noelle + von Campe plans to invest in a 420/day furnace.
The glass company currently processes up to 550 tons of liquid raw glass to approximately 1.8 million glass containers daily.
The family-run company is located in Boffzen, Germany, and supplies its goods to more than 35 countries.
Now a completely new furnace with a maximum of 420 tons daily is supposed to be built on site at plant II in addition to the existing melting furnace with 320 tons melting capacity.
Therefore, batch and cullet will be needed for two furnaces instead of one furnace as previously at this site. was responsible for the complete coordination of the construction activities including detailed planning of the buildings and supply media.
Zippe Industrieanlagen received the order for an extension of the existing batch house and a completely new cullet return system. Cullet addition is 50%.
The Zippe scope of supply includes engineering, equipment, silos as well as the complete mechanical and electrical installation including the supervision of the work.
Installation is planned to start in summer 2021, commissioning at the end of 2021.
28.06.2021, Zippe Industrieanlagen
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