Improved VPFlowScope M flow meter with new VPStudio 3
VPInstruments announces new firmware for the Transmitter of the VPFlowScope M flow meter.
Firmware 2.2.0 has improved reliability and stability. With this new firmware the VPFlowScope M is even easier to use. Simultaneously, we release the VPStudio 3 software to configure and readout your VPFlowScope M.
The VPFlowScope M provides a complete solution for compressed air and technical gas flow measurement. It covers the entire compressed air system, from supply to demand side. Thanks to the built-in pressure sensor and temperature sensor, the VPFlowScope M is a powerful tool to detect what is really going on in your system.
New improvements of the VPFlowScope M firmware and VPStudio 3:
- Easier data logging: No need any more to start/stop your VPFlowScope M data logger. The VPFlowScope M features now a one-year circular memory. When you power your flow meter, your parameters (flow, pressure, temperature) are automatically recorded once per second. Via VPStudio 3 you can select the required period and data interval for your data analyses.
- New graphical display. With a new look & feel, the display can be customized to show one, two or three parameters. Moreover, the display can be adapted according to the surroundings by having black text on a white background or vice versa.
- Unified Modbus functionality. All Modbus functionalities are equally available over RS485 & Ethernet.
- The pipe diameter can now be stored in the Transmitter, so you can replace the VPSensorCartridge without losing your setting.
- The data logger CSV export settings is replacing the prior Project Module, making data export more intuitive and easier.
As a customer you can now update your VPFlowScope M Transmitter free of charge (only when your VPSensorCartridge has S/N 6100658 or higher). Updating goes via a VPFlowScope M Firmware Updater, which is enclosed with VPStudio 3. It is important to read the complete release notes and follow the upgrade instructions carefully, before updating. Get your new firmware and VPStudio 3 here.
24.06.2021, VPInstruments
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