Our SIU24S (servo invert unit) control system is designed to control and drive almost any servo invert mechanism established in the market today.
The SIU24S HMI allows operators to preset and check the acceleration and deceleration of the swivel motion when an article is transferred from the blank mould to the blow mould – individually, accurately and reproducibly. All motion profiles are freely selectable and position holding can likewise be configured. Article quality is significantly improved as a result. The advanced servo technology moreover permits an ultra-fast revert motion, so that even very short cycle times are possible – and maximum cost-effectiveness guaranteed.
Central control via FMT24S – simple and intuitive
The SIU24S integrates seamlessly into futronic’s proven FMT24S machine control system as an add-on. The servo invert control system is controlled centrally via the job database menu of the FMT24S HMI – simply and intuitively. Time sequences are presented in a bar chart and the SIU24S also provides built-in alarm and event reports.
The SIU24S is available as an option for all IS machines equipped with futronic controls and drives. It can be retrofitted to any existing equipment featuring an FMT24S control system without any problem. futronic can additionally supply the SIU24S in a standalone version with a separate interface for integration into the control infrastructure of any standard IS machine from different manufacturers.
11.06.2021, futronic
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