Isophon Glas, a pioneer German company in insulating glass unit production, ordered earlier this year two Sparklike Laser Integrated™ insulating gas measurement stations.
In cooperation with Sparklike, Isophon Glas installed their first Sparklike measuring station in the beginning of May.
The turn-key installation of Sparklike Laser Integrated™ is simple and quick. The measurement station needs minimum 700mm of free area in X-axis. It is possible to integrate the station with IG-lines without actually touching the lines. Sparklike's measuring station can be installed into any existing or new IG-line.
"Everything went well with the installation and we are very pleased that we now have complete quality control of our insulating glass units production, thanks to Sparklike Laser Integrated™, Torsten Bold, the owner of Isophon says.
07.06.2021, Sparklike
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