The faculty of engineering at the University of Sheffield is one of the most prestigious in the world.
Following sustainable modernisations, new spaces were opened in the spring of 2020, bringing together highly modern laboratories, offices, lecture halls and communication facilities in the heart of the university. As the centrepiece of the new Engineering Heartspace, a central atrium was created under a spectacular curved roof, impressively linking two of the oldest buildings at the university.
Wave of glass combines old and new
White steel ‘tree’ columns support the approximately 1,400 m2 roof, which is made up of interlocking triangular glass and spans the space between the historic buildings with sweeping waves. It forms a new entrance to Portobello Street, connecting the faculty with other facilities on campus. The roof not only creates a clear distinction between old and new, its high-tech construction also improves the energy and CO2 balance of the renovated existing buildings by enclosing their interior façades in a protective manner.
High comfort due to solar control glass
The more than 900 glazing panels of the roof with white serigraphy of small dots were supplied by SAINT-GOBAIN GLASSOLUTIONS Austria, Eckelt Glas. Thanks to its low reflection, the CLIMAPLUS® COOL-LITE® XTREME 50/22 II solar control glass combines functionality and elegance in equal measure. Its properties guarantee idealsolar control and excellent insulation to gain maximum comfort. Therefore, the high- performance glass contributes significantly to lower energy consumption and provides at the same time an extremely bright and luminous atmosphere under the glass roof at all times of the year. The newly designed main entrance adds another striking element to the ensemble. For this purpose, the experts from GLASSOLUTIONS Objektcenter Radeburg used 600 m2 of the high selectivity solar control glass COOL-LITE® XTREME 60/28 II. The eye-catching project made it to the finalist of the British Construction Industry Award 2020 in the category Social Infrastructure Project of the Year.
19.05.2021, Saint Gobain
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