Nigerian glass manufacturer Frigoglass had started construction of a new furnace at its Beta Glass site located in Agbara, Ogun state in Nigeria.
An existing 17-year-old 200t/day furnace has been demolished and is being replaced with a 300t/day furnace in its place. The furnace is being supplied by Horn Glass Industries of Germany.
Two Revimac NNPB-capable production lines will be installed alongside two existing BDF machine lines, expanding the machine line up from three to four lines with the new furnace.
It is the first time NNPB technology will be available in West Africa and will ensure that brands seeking a non-returnable glass offering will be able to source lighter weight glass bottles.
Other suppliers involved in the investment project include Tiama, MSK, Furnotherm and Horn India.
Work is scheduled to be completed in June with glass to glass expected within 90 days from the beginning of construction.
18.05.2021, Frigoglass
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