Given the current spread of Covid-19 in India, glasspex India, like glasspro India and fenestration pro, has been postponed to March 03 - 05, 2022. The venue, Bombay Exhibition Centre Goregaon in Mumbai, remains.
An application for a BMWi-funded joint German booth at glasspex India 2022 has again been submitted by VDMA. As soon as we have information on this, we will announce it here.
Exhibitors who had already applied for the German joint stand at glasspex India in 2021, please contact Messe Düsseldorf, Ms. Gabriele Schreiber.
glasspex India takes place (normally) every 2 years. At glasspex India 2019, the German joint stand occupied just over 200 m². 15 exhibitors presented their products under the umbrella of "Made in Germany".
17.05.2021, VDMA Forum Glastechnik
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