TUTORIALS (choose a maximum of 2 from 5)
“Under the pine trees”
Glass and phase diagrams - quantitative treatment of multicomponent systems: assessment of glass properties (thermal, mechanical, chemical), approach to structural features & approach to the energetics of glass melting - How to identify the positions of complex glasses in phase diagrams.
Calculating Raman activities: activity of the Raman modes in crystals for a given symmetry and scattering geometry - Molecular selection rules of simple liquids - the case of glasses.
Diffusion coefficient: Values of D. Effect of temperature. D vs stress relaxation in ion exchange toughening: Significance of (Dt)1/2. Examples of time and distance e.g. tin bath depth.
Practical aspects on atomistic simulations: how to calculate atomic structures and mechanical, transport and optical properties by simulations.
Mechanical Properties: how to carry out measurements and obtain meaningful data
06.05.2021, International Commission on Glass (ICG)
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