Forglass, one of the leading European suppliers of glass melting technologies, has won the greenfield project for a major international glass producer, who specializes in the production of brown beer bottles for customers across Europe, the USA and Canada.
Forglass, one of the leading European suppliers of glass melting technologies, has won the greenfield project for a major international glass producer, who specializes in the production of brown beer bottles for customers across Europe, the USA and Canada. The environmentally-conscious investor chose Forglass to design and deliver a brand-new furnace and an entire batch plant.
The new furnace, based on technology developed by Forglass (with full automation and safety systems, including gas supply), will deliver over 400 tons of amber glass per day to three production lines. Forglass technology ensures that the new furnace will be more environmentally-friendly due to low energy consumption and low emission of greenhouse gases.
The new batch plant will include raw material and cullet storage, dosing, mixing and batch transport, as well as the cullet return system, including two of the company’s innovations: Selectable Grain Crusher™ and SmartScraper™
The client will enjoy a brand new, turn-key plant for glass production in their new factory in Poland, scheduled to be completed in 2022.
29.04.2021, FORGLASS
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