After canceling its annual user conference last year and offering users a virtual user conference in May 2020, FeneTech, Inc. is again planning to provide a free virtual conference for their customers worldwide.
FeneTech had initially scheduled an in-person conference for June 7-9.
Beginning Monday, June 7, the virtual FeneTech conference will offer a total of three sessions each day for window and door manufacturers and glass fabricators at 11 AM EST and 2 PM EST, with combined sessions in the afternoon on Monday and Tuesday at 4 PM EST and Wednesday at 2 PM EST. Wednesday's 4 PM EST session will feature separate "Define the Future" sessions for glass fabricators and window and door manufacturers.
"We had certainly hoped this year we would be together, in person," stated Ron Crowl, FeneTech Inc. President & CEO. "However, in the interest of our employees' health and the health and well-being of our customers and industry friends, we've decided to go virtual. If we find we've erred, we've erred on the side of caution, and we'll look forward to our in-person conference in June 2022."
Since 2002, FeneTech has hosted its user conference each June in Cleveland, Ohio. Over the years, the conference has evolved from a small gathering of a dozen attendees to more than 200 FeneVision users taking part in our virtual sessions in 2020, many of whom had never participated in a user conference.
The June conference will mark the second consecutive year the company has offered its conference virtually.
FeneTech continues to remain true to its mission "… to provide the best products, service and support to each and every customer—every single day." We are looking forward to the end of the pandemic and 2022 when we can be with our friends and customers in person in Cleveland at the next FeneTech User Conference.
Since 1996, FeneTech, Inc has been the world's preeminent software provider for the glass fabrication and window & door manufacturing industries. Learn more at
27.04.2021, FeneTech
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