BA Glass is to invest €60 million in the construction of a new furnace at its Sofia, Bulgaria container glass manufacturing site.
The investment is part of the group's plan presented in 2017 when acquiring the Southeast Europe operations from Yioula Group.
After having intensively invested in the Plovdiv plant, BA Group will build a new furnace in the Sofia plant and recruit more than 100 workers.
This investment represents the company's clear intention to create wealth in the country and well serve the local and neighbouring countries’ beverage and food producers with innovative solutions and upgraded quality.
The project, as well as the investments made in Plovdiv plant, will represent an important improvement for the environmental impact of the plant.
One of these are the photovoltaic panels that are being installed in the roofs of the two facilities.
"We believe that glass is and will be the preferred packaging for food and beverage, in a more sustainable planet, preserving the health of its consumers."
Glass production is planned for the first quarter of 2022.
26.04.2021, BA Glass
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