We are happy to announce that Isophon Glas in Germany is cooperating with Sparklike to invest in two Sparklike Laser Integrated™ insulating gas measurement stations. Isophon Glas is a future-oriented, innovative, and pioneer company in insulating glass unit production.
“We are proud to have such an innovative company with our first delivery in a quality-oriented country like Germany. In Sparklike, we believe this will also make other European companies more interested in completing the quality monitoring with the line integrated insulating gas measurement,” states Mauri Saksala, Director of Line Integrated Solutions, Sparklike.
The Laser Integrated will be installed to two IG-lines manufactured by Turkish company Best Makina and the integration on the IG-line side will be conducted in cooperation with Best Makina’s specialists.
Sparklike Laser Integrated ™ is based on the company’s well-known Sparklike Laser Technology – the only non-destructive insulating gas measurement system in the world, capable of measuring triple units both cavities separately, and through laminated glass and coatings.
Sparklike Laser Integrated™ offers value-added features in automatic line integrated inspection. All units are measured, having 100% quality assurance, and there are no human errors. The traceability and savings with man-made quality control and separate measurement samples.
Easy installation:
14.04.2021, Isophon glas
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