In summer 2005 a new container glass factory with two furnaces was successfully started. At this site Interprojekt installed the mandatory flue gas cleaning system with dry lime injection, electrostatic precipitator, connecting duct work and two parallel fans.
Because of regulatory requirements in summer 2006 Interprojekt added a SCR reactor with catalysts and ammonia water storing and dosing system to the existing installation.
Yearly inspections of the complete flue gas cleaning system by our professionals allows for trouble-free operation over the years.
The increased flow rate of the two rebuilt furnaces (2018 and 2020) requires an adaption of the flue gas cleaning system. The plant decided for a second independent, but redundant flue gas cleaning side by side of the existing one. The existing stack and the two installed fans are used now for both flue gas cleaning plants. Mandatory was a complete DeNOx system from the very beginning.
Again Interprojekt was selected as reliable supplier. In summer 2020 - despite the corona pandemic - this new/old installation was successfully started.
12.04.2021, Interprojekt Engineering GmbH
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