2021 At OOO Stellar Glass (Dmitrovsky glass plant), furnace No. 2 with a capacity of 220 tons was fired up after a cold repair and deep modernization of the hot and cold sections, and in early April the first products were received.
The commissioning of one more furnace made it possible to more than double the number of products manufactured. The installed equipment allows the production of new types of glass containers, including the NNPB DG and PB SG methods.
As part of the modernization of the plant, it is planned to update and increase the fleet of inspection equipment to ensure that products meet the most stringent customer requirements.
This modernization has significantly increased the efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise. An additional 108 jobs were created.
In the short term (late 2021 - early 2022) - cold repair of furnace No. 1, modernization of the equipment of the hot section, including the replacement of one of the glass-forming machines from 2-drop to 3-drop, as well as complete modernization of the cold section with maximum automation processes.
The products of Stellar Glass LLC are supplied to consumers in different regions of the Russian Federation, neighboring countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), and European countries.
April 12-16, 2021 Stellar Glass LLC will present its products at the PRODEXPO-2021 exhibition (pavilion 3, stand 3K70).
12.04.2021, OOO Stellar Glass
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