Following the cancellation of glasstec 2021, engineering company Forglass is inviting customers and prospective clients to visit its headquarters in Krakow, Poland.
As early as January 2021, Forglass began sending invitation to see its R&D Center, production facilities and engineering offices.
The company is offering a two-day itinerary of activities that include speaking about new developments in the glass industry and the challenges with energy consumption and emissions that glass producers face more and more often.
Forglass offers its guests hassle-free travel, including airport pick-up and drop-off, as well as all accommodations.
Several clients have reportedly already taken advantage of Forglass’ offer this year and their visits were arranged in a safe manner, respecting all current Covid-19 restrictions.
This includes helping the guests avoid possible quarantine by organising Covid tests in their country prior to departure.
Anyone can take advantage of this special offer by contacting Forglass offices directly at
17.03.2021, Forglass
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