When you need a unique material to turn your product ideas into reality, NEXTREMA® glass-ceramic is a game-changer.
Impressive thermal shock resistance and other properties make it ideal for a range of industrial and domestic applications, allowing engineers and designers to find their ideal solution.
Creativity unbound
Key to this collection is the choice of formats and colors: tinted, transparent, translucent white, translucent bluegrey, opaque grey, and opaque white. Product creativity comes as standard with NEXTREMA®, as it's available in formats as large as 1950 mm x 1100 mm with a choice of thicknesses from 2-6 mm.
Broad transmission spectrum
Superb infrared transmission credentials make NEXTREMA® the go-to material for covers on patio heaters, electric barbecues, infrared saunas, as well as industrial processes including paint-drying and soldering work.
Product variants
Each of the six different types of NEXTREMA® glass-ceramic has its own unique set of properties, offering a range of benefits for industrial or product design. From the high heat resistance of NEXTREMA® opaque white to the outstanding temperature shock resistance of NEXTREMA® transparent, discover which one is right for you.
15.03.2021, Schott AG
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