It has been a year since the furnace in Dekorglass Tur Glasswork has been lit. it was the time full of new possibilities, successes and new experiences.
We have invested in the newest technologies, professional and experienced staff, all that contributed to our success. We have reached the desired glass color and were able to implement new cosmetic and spirit bottles.
We have introduced a number of standards to the market. We used to produce bottles mainly for vodka. However, market demand has shown, that alcohols such as whiskey and gin are becoming more and more popular. It is difficult to design a shape that would be suitable for the bottling of various types of beverages, including high-quality ones. We did it though. Among our new products, everyone will find something interesting. Roku, Nana, Gora and Mida bottles are bottles that we especially recommend. We have also not forgotten about the producers of non-alcohol beverages. With them in mind we have introduced standards such as Longneck or Masuria Light.
The life of our glassworks does not only revolve around standard bottles. We really wanted to start cooperation with customers who bottle their drinks in dedicated containers for a specific product. For years, we have been decorating glass for the world’s largest brands. It would not have been possible if our clients had not trusted us. After the glassworks was launched, many of them also wanted to implement glass in our company. We are glad that we did not disappoint our expectations. Today we can boast of cooperation with world-renowned brands such as Haven’s Door, Lasipullo, Loimu, Lahua, Bocian and Żubrówka. Full of enthusiasm, we continue to face new challenges to make 2021 even more fruitful than the previous one.
11.03.2021, Tur Glassworks
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