Bormioli Pharma continues its investments to support the growing demand for packaging solutions for both vaccines and, more generally, for the various therapeutic treatments used to fight Covid-19 infections.
The Vasto plant, specialised in the production of rubber stoppers and aluminium seals for containers used for injectable drugs, is one of the industrial sites where the Group plans to undertake significant works to increase production capacity. The current maximum capacity, which amounts to around 100 million closures per year, will soon reach 150 million and will further increase to 200 million in just a few months.
In this news report – click here to watch the video – broadcast on Rai 3’s Abruzzo regional news, Site Manager, Ezio Scifo, comments on recent investments and some of the important collaborations already underway for vaccine packaging.
10.03.2021, Bormioli Pharma
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